PM2 Config file with Deployment
module.exports = {
apps: [
name: "my-nextjs-app", // The name of your app in PM2
script: "node_modules/next/dist/bin/next", // Path to Next.js start script
args: "start -p 3000", // Command arguments (start on port 3000)
time: true, // Add timestamp to logs
autorestart: true, // Restart app if it crashes
deploy: {
production: { // Production environment settings
user: "ubuntu", // The username on your server
host: "", // Your server's domain or IP
key: "~/.ssh/myapp_server_key.pem", // Path to your SSH key
ref: "origin/main", // Git branch to deploy
repo: "", // Your GitHub repo URL
path: "/home/ubuntu/apps/my-nextjs-app", // Where to deploy on the server
"pre-deploy-local": "echo 'Deploying to production...'", // Local command before deploy
"pre-deploy": "source ~/.bashrc && source ~/.nvm/ && nvm use 16", // Server command before deploy
"post-deploy": // Server commands after code is updated
"source ~/.bashrc && " +
"source ~/.nvm/ && " +
"nvm use 16 && " + // Use Node.js v16
"pnpm install && " + // Install dependencies
"pnpm run build && " + // Build the Next.js app
"pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.config.js --env production", // Start/restart the app
staging: { // You can add multiple environments
// ... similar structure to production, but for staging
Updated: 9/8/2024